Showing posts with label virus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label virus. Show all posts

How to scan APK files so you don’t get a virus on your Android device

Google takes the security of its online store very seriously. However, it’s often been blamed for allowing too much harmful content and potentially dangerous apps.
Last year, it launched the Google Play Protect service, a tool that helps provide an extra security layer. Although the problem has improved, the risk still exists. Today, we’re going to take your protection to the next level: we’ll show you how to scan APK files so you don’t get a virus on your Android device.
Preventing before fixing
Every time we install an APK app from outside the Google Play Store, we’re exposing ourselves to risk. You may know the manufacturer, but nobody is free from encountering problems with an app, whether you’ve downloaded it from the Google Play store or another website. Because of this, running a program analysis is a great solution.

Using it is as simple as dragging the file into the box (or uploading it); the platform takes care of the rest. In addition, you can ask to be sent an email with the data of the analysis. Just check the box that appears above the captcha.
Once you click on the Scan package, be patient, since the analysis usually takes a few minutes. When finished, you have two possible options: one, it’s clean (you can install the app worry-free) or two, it’s infected. If the second happens, the tool will give you extra info.

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